Zh GoogleMap Brief
Zh GoogleMap extension overview
Extension Zh GoogleMap is created for CMS Joomla! for displaying maps by Google Maps service
The extension implements the following features:
- display maps with all settings
- input maps with an interface choice of coordinates
- input linked to maps markers (with the possibility to choose the look of a marker or icon type)
- made possible the construction of directions (use Directions API)
- made the possibility of constructing the map of polylines of arbitrary shape (eg, how to get to the desired location)
- to display maps API key is not needed because implementation in API v3
- there is a choice which map controls will be displayed and in what position
- you can create polygons (areas), circles and polylines
- you can use of "Traffic Layer" and "Bicycle Layer"
- you can enter the category, if want to systematize
- you can define you own pictures for markers
- you can show KML Layer
- you can use Marker Clusterer
- you can use Marker Manager (show markers depend on zoom)
- you can use OpenStreetMap Layer
- you can use New Zeland Topographic Maps Layer
- you can use Places Library
- you can use Panoramio Library
- you can use Elevation API
- you can use contact and user information in placemarks
- you can use plugin to call from K2 items
- you can add custom map types and use it
- you can use Projection in custom map types
- you can use Styles for map
- you can use InfoBubbles, and create styles for it
- you can use more over 1200 predefined icons
- you can enable for registered users enter placemark from front end
- you can set Google Maps API Key for monitoring or billing over quotas limit
- you can use Street View
- you can set labels for placemarks, with its styles
- you can use placemark table view or placemark details view
- third party content plugins work in some description fields
See also
Language: | [[::Zh GoogleMap Brief|English]] • [[::Zh GoogleMap Brief/ru|русский]] |