Zh OpenStreetMap Description

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Component is installed on Joomla! 3.x in a standard way through the Extension Manager.

Component supports autoupdate feature

Main dashboard


You do not need to configurate it.

There are some parameters you can set in component options.

Go to component page

Press (menu):

  • Components
  • Zh OpenStreetMap

When you create new map objects at the opening map is automatically calculated location, if can not be calculated, then displaying center of Palace Square in St. Petersburg (if not set default place).

Default place

You can set latitude and longitude of your default place in Options page

After that when you try to create new map, placemark, path in backend, position of marker on map will be set to default.

Map Height

You can control map height in admin panel

HTML tag for Popup Title

Define h2 (h3...) tag for Popup Title, for example, for placemark

Map Type in Editor

You can manage what map types will be accessible when you define map objects (map, placemarks...) and there is a map in details.

Compatibility Mode

In some cases when on map is active Managing Placemarks by Group List, you can get an error
link.hasClass is not a function

It can be caused by conflict with JQuery and mootools in some templates, or in case mootools is disabled in joomla
In this case you can activate compatibility mode, when calling methods hasClass and toggleClass is changed to JavaScript functions which do like the same.

Compatibility Mode for Resource Files

In some cases you restrict access to administrator folder. In this folder for component by default exists assets folder , which used for storing icons for component and plugin.

If you block access to it, then when users will try to see your map will get login screen.

And just for this case there is a component option Compatible Mode for Resource Files.

Just set it to yes, and all references in document, which contains map (created as a component, or as a plugin), will be to site assets folder. Do not move any files or folders, just use it.

And you have to copy icons from admin icons folder (/administrator/components/com_zhosmmap/assets/icons) to site folder (/components/com_zhosmmap/assets/icons), because it is empty from installation (because if site folder will contain icons, then size of zip-archive of extension increase twice)

And if you want to use your icons for placemarks, you should copy your icons to both folders. In administrator folder icons will be used in backend (admin panel), and when displaying - from site folder.


You can set protocol to use when you load map.

Map initialization type

In some cases your template or the other extensions can use onload function. And in this case map will not be initialized (displayed), therefore you can set domready type.

Leaflet version

By default loaded latest version of maps API.

Category List

You can define type of category list you can see in details Simple (plain) or Default (hierarchy)

powered by

You can define place to show my logo, or hide it

Creating Map

We turn to the menu "Maps".

Enter the number of maps with the correct configuration for us.

Coordinates it is convenient to choose by dragging the marker (the value is automatically substituted in the form fields ) or by clicking the mouse on the desired location.

Map properties

Title Map title
Description Description
Latitude Map center Latitude
Longitude Map center Longitude
Width Map Width,

if set to 0, map will be 100% wide

Height Map Height

if set to 0, map will be 100% height.
You can apply Zh Template Map FullScreen to your map page to show map in full screen or for the other cases

Map Details

Show Title as Placemark Show map title as a placemark
  • No - Do not show marker
  • Simple - Marker without animation
  • Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce)
  • Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce)
Open Popup Open Popup for map title immediately
Disable AutoPan Disable AutoPan when open popup
Map Bounds Map bounds to protect navigation outside map

You have to enter Latitude1,Longitude1;Latitude2,Longitude2
ie pair of coordinates separated by semicolon and in one coordinate has values separated by comma
The first coordinate - left bottom, the second - right top of bounds

Zoom Initial Map Zoom
Min Zoom Min Zoom for Map
Max Zoom Max Zoom for Map
Draggable Enable/disable Map dragging
Map Type Initial Map Type
  • OpenStreetMap
  • OpenTopoMap
  • First Custom Map Type
OpenStreetMap Layer The enabled/disabled state of the OpenStreetMap Layer and ability to use Map Type Control to switch to that layer
OpenTopoMap Layer The enabled/disabled state of the OpenTopoMap Layer and ability to use Map Type Control to switch to that layer
Allow Custom Map Types The enabled/disabled using custom map type and ability to use Map Type Control to switch to that layers
Custom Map Types List List of custom map types ID for using on map, separator ;

Example: 1;2;5
If you set Map Type to First Custom Map Type, then first ID will be default map type

KML Layer URL of the KML Layer, that would be displayed on the map
Category The category that this map is assigned to

Using KML or GPX Layer

If you have KML file, you can put into accessible folder on site and fill URL in map field KML Layer.

If you want to use more than one file (or want to use GPX), you can use "featute", that path field of Paths is not required

  • go to Paths list
  • create path
  • fill Layer options on File Layer tab

And after that new layer will be displayed

Moreover you can control its properties by path properties (in case KML or GPX layer type), or use internal parser for flexible control.

Map Header

Header HTML-text HTML text on top of the map
Show Header Separator Show Separator after Header HTML text

Map Footer

Show Footer Separator Show Separator before Footer HTML text
Footer HTML-text HTML text on bottom of the map

Map Controls

There are three sliders in this section

The first slider is

Zoom Control The enabled/disabled state of the Zoom Control
Scale Control The enabled/disabled state of the Scale Control
Scale Control: Maximum width Maximum width of the control in pixels. The width is set dynamically to show round values (e.g. 100, 200, 500)
Scale Control: metric Whether to show the metric scale line (m/km)
Scale Control: imperial Whether to show the imperial scale line (mi/ft)
Scale Control: update when idle If true, the control is updated on move end, otherwise it's always up-to-date (updated on move)
Double Click Zoom Enables/disables zoom and center on double click
Scroll Wheel Zoom The enabled/disabled state of the scrollwheel zooming on the map
Hide Single Base Layer in Map Type Control If true, the base layers in the control will be hidden when there is only one
Home Button The enabled/disabled feature to reset map center and/or zoom to initial value
Overlay Opacity The enabled/disabled feature to change opacity for Ground Overlays

The second slider is

Geocoder Control The enabled/disabled state of the Geocoder Control
Collapse Geocoder Collapse control unless hovered or clicked
Provider Geocoding service used by the control to perform the actual geocoding queries

The third slider is

Map Type Control Position on a map
Zoom Control Position on a map
Scale Control Position on a map
Geolocation Control Position on a map
Geocoder Control Position on a map
Placemark List Button Position on a map
Home Button Position on a map
Overlay Opacity Position on a map

Map Properties for Placemarks

Placemark ordering Order placemarks. It is useful when you show placemark list
  • Placemark title
  • Category title and ordering
  • Category title (descending) and ordering
  • User ordering index
  • Group title and Placemark title
  • Group title (descending) and Placemark title
  • Group user ordering index and Placemark title
  • Group user ordering index (descending) and Placemark title
  • Date of creation
  • Date of creation (descending)
Auto-center and auto-zoom Calculate and set zoom and map center to show all placemarks
Show placemarks in cluster Create cluster for markers
Marker Cluster Zoom Level Zoom Level on which Clusterer starts group markers
Group Placemarks in Cluster by Group Property Create cluster for each group (and you can override cluster icon)
Remember, if you use this feature (without managing markers by group list), you have to activate group in cluster (by setting Active in Group List)
Place overlapping placemarks on a spiral Enable feature to show overlapped placemarks on a spiral or create special list
Zoom on cluster click Zoom map to fit cluster bounds
Show cluster coverage When mouse over a cluster it shows the bounds of its markers
Show placemark creation information You can show information about user and date of placemark creation
  • No
  • Username
  • Date of creation
  • Date of creation and Username
  • Username (after toolbar)
  • Date of creation (after toolbar)
  • Date of creation and Username (after toolbar)

Map Properties for Placemark List

Width Placemark List Width in pixels

If set 0 then you've got 100% width.
It can be useful in bottom position and 100% map width

Height Placemark List Height in pixels
Position Values
  • No - there is no placemark list
  • ... - overlay on map
  • Left and Right - table layout
  • List-Map and Map-List - div layout
  • External - you can put ul-tag with id=OMapsMarkerUL in your place to define your place to show placemark list

For example,

<ul id="OMapsMarkerUL" style="list-style-type: none;"></ul>
Style Values
  • Simple - predefined in CSS-file
  • Advanced - predefined in CSS-file
  • External - you can define it in your template
Background Color Background Color

Example: #EAEAEA

As for gradient in my example, I've got it from internet sites. When you specify background color #E6E6E6, I add into style line

background: #E6E6E6

I've got this example

background: #fefcea; /* For old browsers */
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36); /* Firefox 3.6+ */
    /* Chrome 1-9, Safari 4-5 */
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, 
                color-stop(0%,#fefcea), color-stop(100%,#f1da36));
    /* Chrome 10+, Safari 5.1+ */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36); /* Opera 11.10+ */
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36); /* IE10 */
    background: linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36); /* CSS3 */ 
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid #333;

I don't know is it true example, for all cases. But, for example, why not. I've replace start and end colors to mine. And, first background: we don't enter, because I do it.

And after all this is mine code

#E6E6E6; /* For old browsers */
     background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA); /* Firefox 3.6+ */
     /* Chrome 1-9, Safari 4-5 */
     background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom,
                  color-stop(0%,#E6E6E6), color-stop(100%,#AAAAAA));
     /* Chrome 10+, Safari 5.1+ */
     background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA);
     background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA); /* Opera 11.10+ */
     background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA); /* IE10 */
     background: linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA); /* CSS3 */
     padding: 10px;
     border: 1px solid #333;

I note that in IE9 there is no gradient. But it is not task to do it in my component by CSS. In any case you can do it by image and applying for class.

Action by Click Action to do when you Click on link
  • Center - center map on placemark
  • Click - execute click function for placemark
  • Center and Click - center map on placemark and execute click function for placemark
  • Center, Animate - center map on placemark and animate placemark icon
  • Click, Animate - execute click function for placemark and animate placemark icon
  • Center, Animate and Click - center map on placemark, animate placemark icon and execute click function for placemark
Placemark List Content Text from which placemark list contains
  • Title - placemark title
  • Title and Description - placemark title and desciption
  • Title and Addition HTML text - placemark title and addition HTML text
  • Icon and Title - placemark icon and title
  • Icon, Title and Description
  • Icon, Title and Addition HTML text - placemark icon, title and addition HTML text
  • Icon, Title and Description (table) - table layout
  • Icon, Title and Addition HTML text (table) - table layout
  • Title and Image - placemark title and image (thumbnail)
  • Title, Image and Description
  • Title, Image and Addition HTML text
  • Image and Title
  • Image, Title and Description
  • Image, Title and Addition HTML text
  • Image, Title and Description (table) - table layout
  • Image, Title and Addition HTML text (table) - table layout
  • Table: Title - placemark title and table layout
  • Table: Title and Description - placemark title and description and table layout
  • Table: Title and Addition HTML text - placemark title and addition HTML text and table layout
Appearance Appearance of placemark list
  • Open List - placemark list is opened
  • Icon Button - additional icon button control on map
  • Text Button - additional text button control on map
  • Icon Button and Open List - additional icon button control on map and list is opened
  • Text Button and Open List - additional text button control on map and list is opened
Search placemark field Enable feature to search by autocomplete placemarks in placemark list


Group Control Position and type of list of group, that would be displayed for marker management
  • No - there is not placemark control by group list
  • Left - List of group on the left (table style)
  • Right - List of group on the right (table style)
  • Top - List of group on the top (table style)
  • Bottom - List of group on the bottom (table style)
  • Group-Map - List of group on the top (div style)
  • Map-Group - List of group on the bottom (div style)
  • External - List of group in user defined position (special tag)
Group Type Behavior of group list
  • Toggle Group
  • Only One Active Group
Manage Placemarks Enable ability to manage placemarks by Group List
Synchronize with placemark list Show/Hide placemarks in placemark list depends on group state
Manage Paths Enable ability to manage paths by Group List
Group ordering Group order in list
  • Group title
  • Category Title and ordering
  • User ordering index
Group Column Width Column width for the left or right position of list group
Show Group Show text, icon of group in list of group
  • Text
  • Icon
  • Text and Icon
Display Show All and Hide All buttons Show buttons to show/hide all groups by one click
  • No
  • Text
  • Icon
  • Text and Icon
Search group field Display search field to find group in group list
Group CSS Type of group decoration

There are two predefined style
and one (external) – for you, which you can set style in you template. ID for tags depend on Group CSS field. See details in Marker Grouping

Group List Title Group List Title
Top Description Description on top of the list
Show Top-Separator The enabled/disabled state of Separator on top of the list
Show Bottom-Separator The enabled/disabled state of Separator on botom of the list
Bottom Description Description on bottom of the list


Draggable The enabled/disabled ability route to be draggable
Show Route Panel Enable show route details
Travel Mode: Driving The enabled/disabled ability to be show this travel mode
Travel Mode: Walking The enabled/disabled ability to be show this travel mode
Travel Mode: Bicycling The enabled/disabled ability to be show this travel mode
Travel Mode: Public Transit The enabled/disabled ability to be show this travel mode
Unit System Use this unit system option when create route
  • Metric System (kilometers)
  • Imperial (English) System (miles)

Advanced Options

Show hover text Show hover text for map objects (placemarks, paths)
Hover Popup Style Hover Popup style
Display Popup Content Display Popup Content
  • Default - display as popup
  • Panel - display content in panel (on its tabs)
Panel width Panel width in pixels
Open Panel Initial Panel state
Loading map objects dynamically Enable feature to load placemarks by AJAX
  • No
  • JQuery
  • Mootools
Load type Type of loading placemarks, ie load it all, or depends on some conditions
  • All
  • All (two steps: use map bounds, all the rest)
  • Use map bounds
Buffer size for placemarks You can load placemarks by parts
Buffer size for paths You can load paths by parts
Loading content data dynamically Enable feature to load map objects popup content by AJAX
  • No
  • JQuery
  • Mootools

Ie your page can contains placemark or path creation code, but all popup content can be loaded dynamically.
If placemarks loaded by AJAX it by default loads content dynamically too.

Placemark Filter Restriction displaying placemarks on some rules.
Allow to user enter placemarks Enable registered users to create and/or alter placemarks on map.
Insert Allowed User can create new placemarks
Update Allowed User can update existing placemarks
Delete Allowed User can delete existing placemarks
New Placemark State Placemark Status for created user placemark.
New Contact State Contact Status for created user contact (if enabled contact integration).
Show Icon Type Selector for New Placemark The enabled/disabled state of selecting Icon Type when user creates placemark.
CSS Class The class name for map div tag
Additional CSS styles for loading List of CSS style files for loading when map is loading, separated by new line or semicolon
Additional JavaScript files for loading List of JavaScript files for loading when map is loading, separated by new line or semicolon
Placemark Rating Enable Placemark rating feature.
  • No
  • JQuery
  • Mootools
Map text override You can use this feature to override Standard text for map controls etc by using special interface in component administration area or change some interface or map object properties


Auto Positioning Auto Positioning when map is loading
Geolocation Control Show Geolocation Control
Geolocation Button Style Geolocation Button Style
  • Icon
  • Text
  • Icon and Text


Use contacts The enabled/disabled state of using contacts

You can enable using contact information and associate your placemark with contact to display contact information in placemark popup.

Contact Details You can enter names of attributes to show. Separator is ;

Acceptable values

  • name
  • position
  • address
  • city
  • suburb
  • state
  • province
  • country
  • postcode
  • zipcode
  • phone
  • mobile
  • fax
  • email
  • website

You can enter it in any order, and by it the contact will be shown.

Note: postcode and zipcode – it is the same field, but different labels will be.

Check contact fields, and you'll see this pairs: City or Suburb, State or Province, Postal / ZIP Code

For example: position;name;mobile

to show position, contact name and mobile phone

Use users The enabled/disabled state of using users

You can enable using user information and associate your placemark with user to display user information in placemark popup.

Allow open Google Maps Enable/disable feature to open Google Maps (link or button in placemark popup)
Allow open Google Maps for map center placemark Show link, which opens Google Map for map center
  • Link in Popup (show direction), open link in new page
  • Link in Popup (show direction), open link in the same page
  • Link below map (show direction), open link in new page
  • Link below map (show direction), open link in the same page
  • Link in Popup and below map (show direction), open links in new page
  • Link in Popup and below map (show direction), open links in the same page
  • Link in Popup (show marker for title), open link in new page
  • Link in Popup (show marker for title), open link in the same page
  • Link below map (show marker for title), open link in new page
  • Link below map (show marker for title), open link in the same page
  • Link in Popup and below map (show marker for title), open links in new page
  • Link in Popup and below map (show marker for title), open links in the same page
  • Link in Popup (show marker for coordinates), open link in new page
  • Link in Popup (show marker for coordinates), open link in the same page
  • Link below map (show marker for coordinates), open link in new page
  • Link below map (show marker for coordinates), open link in the same page
  • Link in Popup and below map (show marker for coordinates), open links in new page
  • Link in Popup and below map (show marker for coordinates), open links in the same page


Creating Placemark

We turn to the menu "Placemarks".

Enter the number of markers bound to a specific map.

Coordinates it is convenient to choose by dragging the marker (the value is automatically substituted in the form fields ) or by clicking the mouse on the desired location.

Placemark properties

Title Placemark Title
Description Description
Tags Tags
Latitude Latitude
Longitude Longitude
Address Text address of your placemark
Map Title Title of the map, where marker would be displayed

Placemark Details

Published Published
Group Group
Protected from user correction Protected placemark from user correction, when you activate creating users placemark
Include in Placemark List Include placemark in Placemark List
Category The category that this placemark is assigned to
User ordering index Use this field to manual sorting placemarks in placemark list
Rating Rating of placemark, it can be set only by rating system
Show GPS information Show GPS information (coordinates) in popup
Addition HTML text HTML text, that will be included in placemark popup content

Be careful, if you enter email address, the other Joomla! plugin it changed, and there will be an error and map will not be shown.

Placemark full description Placemark description (HTML text) in placemark detail view (single placemark page view)
Hover HTML text Hover HTML text for placemark when enabled hovering feature

Appearance properties

Marker Marker Type
  • No - Do not show marker
  • Simple - Marker without animation
  • Simple: Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce)
  • Simple: Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce)
  • Icon File: Simple - Marker without animation
  • Icon File: Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce)
  • Icon File: Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce)
  • Marker with label: Simple - Marker without animation and label
  • Marker with label: Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce) and label
  • Marker with label: Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce) and label
Icon Type Icon Type
Icon X-offset Icon offset
Icon Y-offset Icon offset
Open Popup Execute action which described in Action by Click and Zoom by Click
Popup Content Content of Popup
  • Title and Description
  • Title
  • Description
  • Title and Article (by iframe)
  • Article (by iframe)
  • None
Action by Click Action by Click on this placemark
  • Open Popup
  • Open Link in the same page - link, that entered in URL Site field
  • Open Link in new page
  • Open Popup with Tabs
  • Open Contact in the same page
  • Open Contact in new page
  • Open Article in the same page
  • Open Article in new page
  • Open Details in the same page
  • Open Details in new page
  • None
Zoom by Click Zoom by Click on this placemark

You can change zoom when you click on marker

  • Do not change - zoom is not changed
Popup Style Popup style
URL Site Site URL to display in placemark popup
Site Name Site Name to display instead of URL
URL Image Image URL to display in placemark
URL Image Thumbnail Image URL to display in placemark list
Start Publishing Placemark start publishing date
Finish Publishing Placemark finish publishing date
Date of creation Placemark creation date
Access ACL access level to view this placemark

Marker with Label

Label Class Label CSS Class
Label X-offset Label offset
Label Y-offset Label offset
Label content HTML label content

Popup Tabs

Add Popup content Add Popup content into popup
  • No
  • as first tab - add popup content before all visible tabs
  • as last tab - add popup content after all visible tabs
  • replace content - add popup content as infobubble content, without any tab

Title Tab Title
Image You can use image to build image gallery in single placemark view
HTML Text Tab text


Prepare Content Run other plugins for popup content
Show open Google Maps Show link or toolbar button, which opens Google Maps
  • No
  • Button (show direction), open link in new page
  • Button (show direction), open link in the same page
  • Link (show direction), open link in new page
  • Link (show direction), open link in the same page
  • Button (show marker for title), open link in new page
  • Button (show marker for title), open link in the same page
  • Link (show marker for title), open link in new page
  • Link (show marker for title), open link in the same page
  • Button (show marker for coordinates), open link in new page
  • Button (show marker for coordinates), open link in the same page
  • Link (show marker for coordinates), open link in new page
  • Link (show marker for coordinates), open link in the same page
Show Tags Show tags in popup content
  • No
  • Placemark
  • Contact
Tag Style User which associate with placemark
  • Simple
  • Advanced
  • External
User User which associate with placemark
Show user prompts Type of view user information
  • No
  • Text
  • Icon
  • No prompts
Contact Contact which associate with placemark
Show contact prompts Type of view contact information
  • No
  • Text
  • Icon
  • No prompts
Contact Button in Popup toolbar Show Contact Button in Popup toolbar
Alternative Contact URL You can alternative URL to show contact page (instead of standard joomla's call)
Placemark details Button in Popup toolbar Show Placemark Button in Popup toolbar
Alternative Details URL You can alternative URL to show details page (instead of standard call detail placemark view)
Placemark Details for standard call You can override default details attributes for detail view

By default placemark detail page is opened without enabling additional loading bootstrap library and styles, without thumbnail and image gallery, without Additional HTML text and full text description.

You can change default behavior by passing parameters, separated by comma (,)

  • load bootstrap
  • load bootstrap styles
  • thumbnail
  • image gallery
  • addition html text
  • full description

For example, if you enter image gallery,addition html text,full description into field, the detail view for placemark will be with two additional description (short "Addition HTML text" and full "Placemark full description"), and image gallery will be displayed too

Article Article which associate with placemark
Article Button in Popup toolbar Show Article Button in Popup toolbar
Alternative Article URL You can alternative URL to show article page (instead of standard joomla's call)
iframe tag Article CSS You can apply CSS style for iframe tag (when use article in popup content)

Hidden Attributes for Customization

For your convenience you can also change the labels of the fields by joomla overrides





For example, you can enter some data into this fields.

In table columns have names




You can use this fields, for example, for integration with other systems or etc.


Placemark Customization

Copy your marker images (format PNG) in the directory


Component will automatically pick up the picture when choosing the type of marker.

The only requirement - the file name use English letters and can't contain any special character; the file extension have to be a .png ie in lower case, because names of images stored in a database without the extension, and it is appended in the output.

Don't forget about Compatibility Mode for Resource Files


The marker may be included in one group, for this to specify a marker belonging to the group. If the field of markers grouping is set (field value Group Control is different from No), then starts an additional feature: a list of active groups (the location is determined by this same field, with the first four (left, top, right, bottom) correspond to the table form of representation, while the two latter (Group-Map, Map-Group) - based on the div, and you have the opportunity to do anything with them.

The map also has a drop-down list Group CSS - which implements the following functionality:

  • the first two styles - predefined
  • the third - you can override it in your CSS file template
  • while in three cases, just have three different names of objects, respectively, we can change the styles they like.

The following names

for the div-tag ID takes the value

  • OMapsMenu-advanced
  • OMapsMenu-simple
  • OMapsMenu-external

for ul-tag

  • zhom-menu-advanced
  • zhom-menu-simple
  • zhom-menu-external

Accordingly, styles, prescribes for them. Field Show Group Icon is used to display icons in the list of groups.

Creating Group

We turn to the menu "Groups".

Enter the number of groups.

Group properties

Title Group Title
Description Description
Published Published
Icon Type Icon Type
Icon X-offset Icon offset
Icon Y-offset Icon offset
Override Placemark Icon Change icon of placemark to group icon
Override Cluster Icon Change icon of cluster when you create cluster for each group
Active in Group List Set Group state to active (show markers) when page displayed.
This parameter uses in two cases: show markers in different clusters, or show markers and set active group in group list (when use marker managing by group list). It also can be used for managing paths by group list.
Min Zoom for Marker Manager Zoom from which placemarks would be displayed by Marker Manager
Max Zoom for Marker Manager Zoom after which placemarks wouldn't be displayed by Marker Manager
Category The category that this group is assigned to
User ordering index Use this field to manual sorting groups in group list


Creating Path

The path means polylines, polygons, circles or special map objects (layers).

We turn to the menu "Paths".

Enter the necessary number of paths with reference to a specific map.

Field Path - a set of coordinates of points, the coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) are separated by comma (,), the points themselves - separated by a semicolon (;)

Coordinates it is convenient to choose by dragging the marker (values are substituted into the reference field in the form Current coordinates, from there you can copy and add a separator and value in the field Path), or clicking the mouse on the desired location.

Path properties

Title Path Title
Description Description
Path Path

for example: 59.92335689062723,30.385787878185525;59.92374467628344,30.387547407299284

Visualization Data Source Data source for visualization

See also Zh OpenStreetMap Visualization

Object Type Map object type
  • Line
  • Polygon
  • Circle
Map Title Title of the map, where path would be displayed
Current coordinates Current coordinates

Path Details

Published Published
Geodesic line Create Geodesic line (circle-shaped)
Weight Line Weight
Color Line Color
for example: #FF0000
Opacity Opacity, number value between 0.0 and 1.0
Fill Color Fill Color (for rectangles, circles)
for example: #FF0000
Fill Opacity Fill Opacity, number value between 0.0 and 1.0
Hover Color Hover Color
for example: #FF0000
Hover Fill Color Hover Fill Color (for rectangles, circles)
for example: #FF0000
Radius Circle radius in meters
Group Group, it can be used for managing by Group List
Category The category that this path is assigned to
Addition HTML text HTML text, that will be included in path popup content

Be careful, if you enter email address, the other Joomla! plugin it changed, and there will be an error and map will not be shown.

Hover HTML text HTML text, that will be included in path hover popup content

Be careful, if you enter email address, the other Joomla! plugin it changed, and there will be an error and map will not be shown.


You can show label in path center

Show Label Show Label
  • No
  • Text
  • Tooltip
Label Class Label CSS Class
Label Style Label CSS style without style word
Label X-offset Label horizontal offset
Label Y-offset Label vertical offset
Label content HTML label text

Be careful, if you enter email address, the other Joomla! plugin it changed, and there will be an error and map will not be shown.

Advanced options

Popup Content Popup Content
  • No
  • Title
  • Description
  • Title and Description
Action by Click Action when you click on path
  • No
  • Open Popup
  • Open Link in new page
  • Open Link in the same page
URL Site Site URL to display in path popup content
Site Name Site Name to display instead of URL

File Layer

Layer Type Layer Type
  • KML (Internal Parser)
  • GPX (Internal Parser)
  • KML - you can control object parameters by path properties
  • GPX - you can control object parameters by path properties

See also Internal parser

URL URL or file path of the File Layer, that would be displayed on the map
Layer Show Type Map bounds for fitting the KML layer
  • Zoom - Zoom to fit bounds of layer
  • Unchange - Do not change viewport
Suppress Popup Suppress open Popup when you click on layer
Popup content for Placemark Popup content
  • Suppress
  • Name
  • Description
  • Description, if it is not defined then Name
  • Name and Description
Popup content for Polyline Popup content
  • Suppress
  • Name
  • Description
  • Description, if it is not defined then Name
  • Name and Description
Popup content for Polygon Popup content
  • Suppress
  • Name
  • Description
  • Description, if it is not defined then Name
  • Name and Description
Tooltip content for Polyline Tooltip content
  • Suppress
  • Name
  • Description
  • Description, if it is not defined then Name
Tooltip content for Polygon Tooltip content
  • Suppress
  • Name
  • Description
  • Description, if it is not defined then Name
Override Placemarks Override placemark properties for placemarks, created from file. You can assign group to path and set override icon for placemark in group properties

Ground Overlay

Image URL URL for ground overlay image
Image bounds on map Latitude1,Longitude1;Latitude2,Longitude2
Opacity Value between 0 and 1
Opacity management Change opacity by Opacity Control
Clickable Enable/disable click on layer

Grid Layer

Create Tile Function Create Tile function has one parameter (coords), which contains: coord.x, coords.y and coords.z
Opacity Value between 0 and 1


Creating Map Type

The map type means a custom map type for getting tiles.

We turn to the menu "Map Types"

Enter the necessary number of map types.

Map Type

Title Map Type Title
Description Description
Min Zoom Min Map Zoom (for which exists tiles)
Max Zoom Max Map Zoom (for which exists tiles)
URL template URL template for getting map tiles, for example, for OpenStreetMap type it is https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
Layer Type Type of map layer
  • Map - it is Basemap
  • Overlay - it is Overlay type
Map type attribution Attribution of map type, ie license, copyright...

Map Type Details

Tile Width Tile Width
Tile Height Tile Height
Get Tile URL function Implementation of function to get tile URL if you don't use URL template
Opacity Opacity
Opacity management Change opacity by Opacity Control
Published Published
Category The category that this map type is assigned to


Creating Popup Style

We turn to the menu "Popup Styles".

Popup Style Details

Title Popup Style Title
Description Description
Min Width Min width of the popup, in pixels
Max Width Max width of the popup, in pixels
Min Height of tab content Set it if you want to set initial height of tab content, in pixels
Max Height If set, creates a scrollable container of the given height inside a popup if its content exceeds it, in pixels
Disable Auto Pan Set it if you don't want the map to do panning animation to fit the opened popup
Published Published
Category The category that this popup style is assigned to


Creating Map Override

This feature can help you to override static text for map objects or change its behaviour (or properties).

You can define override and use it for map by assign in map details


Title Map Override Title
Description Description
Published Published
Category The category that this override is assigned to


Invalidate Map Size Container Selector jQuery selector to find container where map div is located in case you need to redraw map.
For example when your map is not on an active tab and when you click to show it your map is displayed incorrectly
For example #sppb-tab1-2
Invalidate Map Size Container Index In some cases you can access to tab only by index. Index starts with 0
Invalidate Type How often invalidate map container
  • One time - only first time when container will be displayed
  • Always


Popup Style Default Popup Style for all popups
Date of creation format Date and time format for placemark date of creation. Use PHP DateTime format
For example jS F Y g:i a


Cluster list Content Template Template for cluster list content

You can create your own cluster list item template

Go to /components/com_zhosmmap/templates/placemarks/cluster_list

Create your own php file with your own code. Default.php file is default template. You can copy its code and change to your own

After that your new template will be in this list

Placemark List

In this section you can define text for placemark list objects.

Button title Placemark list button title
Button tooltip text Placemark list button tooltip text
Placeholder text: Search You can override text Search in placemark list search field
Autocomplete search type Search type in case of using autocomplete feature
  • Default
  • Title and Description
Character mapping type Character mapping in case of entering search string in placemark search field with wrong keyboard layout
  • No
  • Custom - use fields synonym and character mapping
  • English-Russian (QWERTY) - predefined type, you can ask to add your own layout for your country
  • English-Macedonian (QWERTY) - predefined type
Synonym applying side Source, where synonym will be applied.
  • None
  • Search - text in search field
  • Value - title or description value
  • Both
Synonyms - accents, diacritical marks and so on Synonyms, each pair separated by comma or semicolon, in pair values separated by colon. Enter values only for lower case or if it has different symbols.
Example é:e; è:e; ê:e
Character Mapping Character mapping for wrong keyboard layout, each pair separated by comma or semicolon, in pair values separated by colon. Enter values only for lower case or if it has different symbols.
Example q:й; w:ц; e:у; r:к; t:е; y;н
But for different symbols for letter in different case `:ё; ~:Ё

Group List

Placeholder text: Search You can override text Search in placemark list search field
Autocomplete search type Search type in case of using autocomplete feature
  • Default
  • Title and Description
Character mapping type Character mapping in case of entering search string in placemark search field with wrong keyboard layout
  • No
  • Custom - use fields synonym and character mapping
  • English-Russian (QWERTY) - predefined type, you can ask to add your own layout for your country
  • English-Macedonian (QWERTY) - predefined type
Synonym applying side Source, where synonym will be applied.
  • None
  • Search - text in search field
  • Value - title or description value
  • Both
Synonyms - accents, diacritical marks and so on Synonyms, each pair separated by comma or semicolon, in pair values separated by colon. Enter values only for lower case or if it has different symbols.
Example é:e; è:e; ê:e
Character Mapping Character mapping for wrong keyboard layout, each pair separated by comma or semicolon, in pair values separated by colon. Enter values only for lower case or if it has different symbols.
Example q:й; w:ц; e:у; r:к; t:е; y;н
But for different symbols for letter in different case `:ё; ~:Ё

Button tooltip text Tooltip text for panel button
Details tab title Title for placemark details tab in panel
List tab title Title for placemark list tab in panel
Route tab title Title for route tab in panel
Groups tab title Title for groups tab in panel


Open Google Maps title Change title for link or toolbar button to open Google Maps
Geocoder placeholder text Placeholder text for text input
Geocoder error message Message when no result found or geocoding error occurs



You can use visualization to display your data on map.

You can read more Zh OpenStreetMap Visualization

We turn to the menu "Visualization"

Visualization dashboard


Visualization - describe your data.

We turn to the menu "Structure"


Enter the number of structures with the correct configuration for us.


Title Structure Title
Description Description
Published Published
Category The category that this structure is assigned to

Latitude Database table column name to get latitude value
Longitude Database table column name to get longitude value
Coordinates Database table column name to get values of latitude and longitude in case it is defined by pair
Coordinate order Order of coordinate in case it is defined by pair
  • Latitude,Longitude
  • Longitude,Latitude
Separator in coordinates Separator between latitude and longitude in case it is defined by pair
Default is comma (,)
Array of Coordinates Database table column name to get value of coordinates in case it is defined by array
Separator in array Separator between pairs of coordinates in case it is defined by array
Default is semicolon (;)
Result Object You can define way to create objects
  • Create one object for all rows
  • Create one object for each row
Date of creation Database table column name to get date of creation value. It can be used for start or end placemarks


Here you can add attributes to your line, for example start and end placemarks.

Start Marker
Title Placemark Title
Description Description
Marker Marker Type
  • No - Do not show marker
  • Simple - Marker without animation
  • Simple: Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce)
  • Simple: Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce)
  • Icon File: Simple - Marker without animation
  • Icon File: Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce)
  • Icon File: Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce)
  • Marker with label: Simple - Marker without animation and label
  • Marker with label: Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce) and label
  • Marker with label: Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce)
Icon Type Icon Type
Icon X-offset Icon offset
Icon Y-offset Icon offset
Addition HTML text HTML text, that will be included in placemark popup content

Be careful, if you enter email address, the other Joomla! plugin it changed, and there will be an error and map will not be shown.

End Marker
Title Placemark Title
Description Description
Marker Marker Type
  • No - Do not show marker
  • Simple - Marker without animation
  • Simple: Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce)
  • Simple: Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce)
  • Icon File: Simple - Marker without animation
  • Icon File: Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce)
  • Icon File: Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce)
  • Marker with label: Simple - Marker without animation and label
  • Marker with label: Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce) and label
  • Marker with label: Elastic Bounce - Marker with animation (Elastic Bounce)
Icon Type Icon Type
Icon X-offset Icon offset
Icon Y-offset Icon offset
Addition HTML text HTML text, that will be included in placemark popup content

Be careful, if you enter email address, the other Joomla! plugin it changed, and there will be an error and map will not be shown.


Data Source

Data Source - describe your data source.

We turn to the menu "SQL"


Enter the number of SQL data sources with the correct configuration for us.

Data SQL

Title SQL Data Sources Title
Description Description
SQL text SQL text for getting your data
Server Server for data source
Structure Structure of data
Published Published
Category The category that this data SQL is assigned to


Server - define your connection to remote server.

We turn to the menu "Server"


Enter the number of servers with the correct configuration for us.


Title Server Title
Description Description
Driver Database driver name
For MySQL you can use mysql or mysqli values, for MS SQL server use mssql
Host Database host name
User User for database authentication
Password Password for database authentication
Database Database name
Database prefix Database prefix
Published Published
Category The category that this server is assigned to

See also

Zh OpenStreetMap Visualization

Creating Category

You can go to the menu "Categories" and add categories to the component.

Then you can walk on the map objects and tag them by category.

On the basis of categories can be further in any way extend the functionality of the component


Import CSV

Select Import CSV to upload placemark definition by CSV file.

Each line of file - one placemark definition.

First line of file - column name list.

Keep in mind - values can't contain delimiter. For example, if your placemark HTML description can contain colon, use semicolon as delimiter (and don't use it in this description).

Main process screen

You can see table of placemark buffer.

All import process has next steps

  • upload CSV file in buffer
  • check data, edit it
  • import data to placemark table
  • analyze log
  • correct processed placemarks with warnings
  • delete processed data in from buffer

You can see buttons in toolbar

  • Upload File - upload CSV file
  • Import All - import data
  • Log - show process log
  • Clear Log - delete data from process log
  • New - create simple placemark definition (for example, for test purposes)
  • Edit - edit record in buffer (for example, for fixing errors and upload again)
  • Publish and Unpublish - you can change buffer placemark status
  • Delete - delete record from buffer
  • Delete All - delete all records from buffer
  • Delete Processed - delete all records from buffer in state Processed

When you upload file all records have state New

Press Upload File

Select file to upload.

Check and if you need - change Delimiter

You can set some defaults - if in file there is no value (not defined or empty value), you can apply default.

After loading you'll get upload log, it is not stored, only showed

Records can be rejected, if you not define required values. You can see record number (to edit line and upload it)

Records will not be uploaded if your first line doesn't contain column definition.

If you enter wrong colunm name, this column will not processed.

Next column names can be used

title required Placemark title
latitude required Latitude
longitude required Longitude
published optional Placemark status, values 0 or 1
addresstext optional Text address
icontype optional Icon Type
iconofsetx optional Icon X-offset
iconofsety optional Icon Y-offset
description optional Description
descriptionhtml optional Addition HTML text. All HTML formatted text in one line, line breaks are not allowed.
hrefimage optional URL Image
catid optional Category ID
markergroup optional Group ID
createdbyuser optional User ID, which associate with placemark
showuser optional Show user prompts, one integer value

Type of view user information

  • 0 - associated value in component No
  • 1 - associated value in component Text
  • 2 - associated value in component Icon
  • 3 - associated value in component No prompts
showgps optional Show GPS information
  • 0 - associated value in component No
  • 1 - associated value in component Yes
preparecontent optional Prepare the content with the Joomla Content Plugins
  • 0 - associated value in component No
  • 1 - associated value in component Yes
markercontent optional Popup Content
  • 0 - associated value in component Title and Description
  • 1 - associated value in component Title
  • 2 - associated value in component Description
  • 9 - associated value in component Title and Article (by iframe)
  • 8 - associated value in component Article (by iframe)
  • 100 - associated value in component None

You can enter columns in any order, ie order of column names define order of placemark properties

If you want to import placemarks with definite status, you can change it in list or by buttons Publish or Unpublish.

By pressing Import All you start to import placemarks into working table.

You have to select map, to whic imported placemarks will be belong.

And press Import button.

In this case process log will be cleared and import process will start.

All placemarks with New state will be taken to process.

If some required values is not defined - will be rejected and state will be set to Error

In case of processing placemark has the same title with the other placemark, belonging the destination map, this processing placemark will not be imported, and state of it will be set to Skiped. You can't import placemark with same title.

Change title, change status to New and process again. Or import to the other map.

The process result screen

Imported placemarks in buffer change status to Processed

For demo purposes I uploaded placemark data with incorrect category ID, ie I set category ID which is not exists in categories.

In this case you can't see in buffer list category value, but it exists. The same for group ID.

If you will edit placemark in buffer - incorrect values will be set to 0 and data will be imported without category.

But if you enter into CSV file categories (or groups), which are not exists, and try to import - you'll get warnings and imported placemarks will be without it.

In future this checks will be available not only on import stage.

In case of warnings - if you need to have placemarks belonging to category or group you can delete imported placemarks and do

  • recreate file with correct IDs, upload it
  • remove incorrect ID and upload it with defaults
  • remove incorrect column with values and upload it with defaults

After that import again

If there is no any placemarks in buffer with state New and you try to process it (to import placemarks), you'll get message that no data to process

When you processed buffer you can delete processed placemarks by pressing Delete Processed

You can also can delete records by applying filters, selecting records and pressing Delete button.

You can delete all records from buffer by button Delete All

When you got warnings, you can analyze it by checking process log. It is stored in database until next import, therefore you can analyze it any times.

As described above, one record was imported with warnings, lets check this warning to understand log

Press Log

There are 6 columns with common title

  • ID - record log ID, just sequence
  • Import object - what object is processed, in our case it is Placemark
  • Error type - type of error, in my case I tried to load wrong category, value is Category not found
  • Target ID - it is ID of my imported object (placemark). In my case new imported placemark has ID 6248. Check images below.
  • Source ID - it is ID of object in buffer (placemark). In my case placemark in buffer has ID 374. Check images below.
  • Source Reference Object ID - it is ID of object, which is not assigned due to is doesn't exist. In my case I tried to set placemark category ID to 778. Check images below.

In other words, I tries to import placemark with category ID=778. But category with this ID is not exist. Therefore placemark was imported without category.

Source placemark to import (in buffer) has ID=374

New imported placemark has ID=6248

Images for log description

Source placemark (in buffer) with wrong value for category

Target placemark, to which category is not applied


Sorce placemark (in buffer) with correct category

Result imported placemark with correct category

My test file is

Hello;Some my text;59.91790658791312;30.394283583638412;778;<b>Hello</b> world<br />Here some HTML text

Import Zh YandexMap

If extension is not installed - buttons for this extension is disabled.

Today you can:

  • import data from Zh YandexMap extension
    • import Groups
    • import Placemarks
  • check log for last import process

In future will be added

  • pre-import check (exists categories, groups and tags)
  • import tags for placemarks

Due to complex process creation of category - automatic creation of categories is not supported. Only check.

For correct process execution do not import data parallelly, ie in different windows (tabs). Just do it in one precess.

Data loading by Addition rule, it is not update exist data.

It means:

- group will be the same if it has THE SAME TITLE

- category will be the same if it has THE SAME PATH, ie it alias and aliases of all its parents are the same

- placemark will be the same if it has THE SAME TITLE and BELONGS to the destination MAP

If you close browser on middle of process - you can continue loading (but save log before new process).

When you start to continue import process - the same map objects will be skipped and you'll get only new data.

When process is done you'll get statistics window

Here main screen

Toolbar buttons:

  • Close - close and return to Utilities
  • Import groups - automatic load groups
  • Import placemarks - automatic load placemarks
  • Log - check process log
  • Clear Log - clear process log

Lets check how it works

For example we have

I created map in Zh YandexMap

New group

New category

I created placemarks assigned to group and category, and without it

Go to Zh OpenStreetMap

Create map

As you can see group Bank doesn't exist

And category doesn't exist too.

For correct loading placemarks you need to have groups and categories in extension. If it doesn't exist you'll get warnings in process log.

You can automatically load groups, but categories - no. You need to add it manually.

In next steps we will load groups and placemarks. And we will get placemarks with groups but without categories (I didn't enter it).

Go to import screen

Press Import groups

Press Import button

You can see we import our group

and result

check our log

it is empty

Lets import placemarks

Press Import placemarks

Select our source and destination maps

Press Import button

You can see we import our placemarks

It means we loaded 6 placemarks and had some warnings

and result

As you can see placemarks have group attribute

Check log

Log is common log for import

You can see 5 fields, lets explain on our example, import placemarks with category, which doesn't exist:

  • Import object - which map object will be process, in our case Placemark.
  • Error type - what error is occured, in our case Category not found. Check images with data for details above.
  • Target ID - distination object ID, in our case new placemark ID (ID = 104). Check images with data for details above.
  • Source ID - source object ID, in our case placemark ID (ID = 48) from source extension. Check images with data for details above.
  • Source Reference Object ID - reference object ID (category ID = 14), which is not exist in destination extension.

As you can see our problem is occurred for placemark Marker 7, which has in source extension (Zh YandexMap) ID = 48 and assigned to category x8 with ID = 14

I can clear log by press Clear Log or it will automatically be cleared by next precess

Lets try to import groups again

As you can see there is no any data to load

Import Zh GoogleMap

If extension is not installed - buttons for this extension is disabled.

Today you can:

  • import data from Zh GoogleMap extension
    • import Groups
    • import Placemarks
  • check log for last import process

In future will be added

  • pre-import check (exists categories, groups and tags)
  • import tags for placemarks

Due to complex process creation of category - automatic creation of categories is not supported. Only check.

For correct process execution do not import data parallelly, ie in different windows (tabs). Just do it in one precess.

Data loading by Addition rule, it is not update exist data.

It means:

- group will be the same if it has THE SAME TITLE

- category will be the same if it has THE SAME PATH, ie it alias and aliases of all its parents are the same

- placemark will be the same if it has THE SAME TITLE and BELONGS to the destination MAP

If you close browser on middle of process - you can continue loading (but save log before new process).

When you start to continue import process - the same map objects will be skipped and you'll get only new data.

When process is done you'll get statistics window

Here main screen

Toolbar buttons:

  • Close - close and return to Utilities
  • Import groups - automatic load groups
  • Import placemarks - automatic load placemarks
  • Log - check process log
  • Clear Log - clear process log

Lets check how it works

For example we have

I created map in Zh GoogleMap

New group

New category

I created placemarks assigned to group and category, and without it

Go to Zh OpenStreetMap

Create map

As you can see group Bank doesn't exist

And category doesn't exist too.

For correct loading placemarks you need to have groups and categories in extension. If it doesn't exist you'll get warnings in process log.

You can automatically load groups, but categories - no. You need to add it manually.

In next steps we will load groups and placemarks. And we will get placemarks with groups but without categories (I didn't enter it).

Go to import screen

Press Import groups

Press Import button

You can see we import our group

and result

check our log

it is empty

Lets import placemarks

Press Import placemarks

Select our source and destination maps

Press Import button

You can see we import our placemarks

It means we loaded 6 placemarks and had some warnings

and result

As you can see placemarks have group attribute

Check log

Log is common log for import

You can see 5 fields, lets explain on our example, import placemarks with category, which doesn't exist:

  • Import object - which map object will be process, in our case Placemark.
  • Error type - what error is occured, in our case Category not found. Check images with data for details above.
  • Target ID - distination object ID, in our case new placemark ID (ID = 110). Check images with data for details above.
  • Source ID - source object ID, in our case placemark ID (ID = 97) from source extension. Check images with data for details above.
  • Source Reference Object ID - reference object ID (category ID = 15), which is not exist in destination extension.

As you can see our problem is occurred for placemark Marker 6, which has in source extension (Zh GoogleMap) ID = 97 and assigned to category x8 with ID = 15

I can clear log by press Clear Log or it will automatically be cleared by next precess

Lets try to import groups again

As you can see there is no any data to load

Displaying the Map

There are a few menu item types.

The first menu item type is Map.

It can show preconfigured map. You can override some map properties.

Create a menu item and select the type of Zh OpenStreetMap - Map.

Select the appropriate map.

If you do not change any other fields - you'll get the map as you defined it.

For lists you have to enter IDs by semicolon as separator

Map Title Map to display
Zoom Map zoom
Width Map Width
Height Map Height
Placemark List IDs of placemarks to show on map (for example, if it from different maps).
Exclude Placemark List IDs of placemarks to not display on map
Placemark Group List Group IDs for placemarks to show
Placemark Category List Category IDs for placemarks to show
Route List IDs of routes to show on map
Exclude Route List IDs of routes to not display on map
Route Category List Category IDs for routes to show
Path List IDs of paths to show on map
Exclude Path List IDs of paths to not display on map
Path Group List Group IDs for paths to show
Path Category List Category IDs for paths to show
Placemark for map center Placemark ID for override map center
Action for centering placemark Actions for centering placemark
Placemark Filter Placemark Filter
Enable Support External Link to Placemark Enable feature to create your own placemark list feature. See also in tutorials

See also

Plugin for component

Module for component

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