Zh GoogleMap InfoBubble

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Creating Placemark with InfoBubble

Lets create placemark with infobubble as infowin.

Go to placemarks list. Create new one.

Select icon for your placemark. And set Action by Click to Open InfoBubble

Now we do not apply any style for InfoBubble. Leave field unchanged.

And we have to fill text into tabs.

If you fill HTML text field for tab, then this tab will be displayed.

And result will be

Now lets add style for our InfoBubble

Go to InfoBubble Styles

Create new style

Set values as you want

Now return to placemark details and set our new style

And now placemark with infobubble like this

If you unpublish your style, then infobubble will be looks like a default style.

If you set Open InfoWin field to Yes, then InfoBubble will open when map is displayed (like when you use infowins)