Zh BaiduMap Troubleshooting

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Login screen when map is displaying

When you show map, unexpected appears login screen.

See: Compatibility Mode for Resource Files

JQuery is not defined error message

When you display map you can't see any map object, and in browser's console you can see error like

It means your template doesn't load JQuery library.

To fix this problem you should

1 - check whether or not you can load this library by your template

2 - if template can't load it, you can do it:

2.1 - go to map details, open Advanced options

2.2 - in field Additional JavaScript files for loading enter links to JQuery

2.3 - check that all OK

For example, by default joomla has JQuery library, just try to enter this two lines


3 - if you use my template for full screen, it doesn't load this library, but you can enter URL to load it too in template properties (not in map)

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