Template:Zh GoogleMap Description ShowMap

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Displaying the Map

There are a few menu item types.

The first menu item type is Map.

It can show preconfigured map. You can override some map properties.

Create a menu item and select the type of Zh GoogleMap - Map.

Select the appropriate map.

If you do not change any other fields - you'll get the map as you defined it.

For lists you have to enter IDs by semicolon as separator

Map Title Map to display
Zoom Map zoom
Width Map Width
Height Map Height
Placemark List IDs of placemarks to show on map (for example, if it from different maps).
Exclude Placemark List IDs of placemarks to not display on map
Placemark Group List Group IDs for placemarks to show
Placemark Category List Category IDs for placemarks to show
Route List IDs of routes to show on map
Exclude Route List IDs of routes to not display on map
Route Category List Category IDs for routes to show
Path List IDs of paths to show on map
Exclude Path List IDs of paths to not display on map
Path Group List Group IDs for paths to show
Path Category List Category IDs for paths to show
Placemark for map center Placemark ID for override map center
Action for centering placemark Actions for centering placemark
Placemark Filter Placemark Filter
Enable Support External Link to Placemark Enable feature to create your own placemark list feature. See also in tutorials