Template:Zh GoogleMap Description Route

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Creating Route

The route means automatic routing between way points (this functionality is present in the Google Maps API as a Directions API).

We turn to the tab "Routes".

Enter any number of routes with reference to a specific map.

Field Route - the route is entered for each route point in double quotes ("), the separator between two points is a semicolon (;)

Route Details

Title Route Title
Description Description
Addition HTML text Addition HTML text
Published Published
Travel Mode Travel Mode specifies what mode of transport to use when calculating directions
Unit System The unit system to use when displaying distance
Route Route value - text adderess waypoints in double quotes ("), separator between points is semicolon (;)

for example: "Арбатская";"Кропоткинская"; "Москва, проспект Мира 20";"Москва, Петровка 10"

Route by Placemarks Route by placemarks IDs, which separated by semicolon (;)

for example: 1;2;4;6
You have to use only placemarks defined by lat/lng, not by geocoding (text address)

Provide Route Alternatives Provide Route Alternatives specifies that the Directions service may provide more than one route alternative in the response.
Avoid Highways If true, the routes between origins and destinations will be calculated to avoid highways where possible.
Avoid Tolls If true, the directions between points will be calculated using non-toll routes, if possible.
Optimize Waypoints Optimize Waypoints to allow the Directions service to optimize the provided route by rearranging the waypoints in a more efficient order.
Show Type Map bounds for fitting the route
  • Zoom - Zoom to fit bounds of route
  • Unchange - Do not change viewport
Draggable If true, allows the user to drag and modify the paths of routes
Weight Route line weight
Color Route line color
Opacity Route line opacity
Show Panel Allow to show route panel to display the directions steps
Show total distance Show total distance of route
Show description Show description and addition HTML text of route below the map
Suppress Markers Suppress markers, which created for start point, end point, waypoints
Map Title Title of the map, where route would be displayed
Category The category that this route is assigned to
