Template:Zh GoogleMap Description Map: Difference between revisions

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Line 478: Line 478:
|class="zhproperty"|Use users||class="zhdescription"|The enabled/disabled state of using users<br />
|class="zhproperty"|Use users||class="zhdescription"|The enabled/disabled state of using users<br />
You can enable using user information and associate your placemark with user to display user information in placemark InfoWin.
You can enable using user information and associate your placemark with user to display user information in placemark InfoWin.
|class="zhproperty"|Contact Details||class="zhdescription"|You can enter names of attributes to show. Separator is ''';'''<br />
Acceptable values<br />
* name
* position
* address
* city
* suburb
* state
* province
* country
* postcode
* zipcode
* phone
* mobile
* fax
You can enter it in any order, and by it the contact will be shown.
Note: postcode and zipcode – it is the same field, but different labels will be.
Chech contact fields, and you'll see this pairs: City or Suburb, State or Province, Postal / ZIP Code

Revision as of 11:51, 14 March 2012

Creating Map

We turn to the tab "Maps".

Enter the number of maps with the correct configuration for us.

Coordinates it is convenient to choose by dragging the marker (the value is automatically substituted in the form fields ) or by clicking the mouse on the desired location.

Map properties

Title Map title
Description Description
Show Title as Placemark Show map title as a placemark
  • No - Do not show marker
  • Drop - Marker with animation (Drop)
  • Bounce - Marker with animation (Bounce)
  • Simple - Marker without animation
Open InfoWin Open InfoWindow for map title immediately
Width Map Width,

if set to 0, map will be 100% wide

Height Map Height
Latitude Map center Latitude
Longitude Map center Longitude
Zoom Initial Map Zoom
Map Type Initial Map Type
  • Roadmap
  • Satellite
  • Hybrid
  • Terrain
  • OpenStreetMap
  • NZTopomaps
  • First Custom Map Type
Google Earth The enabled/disabled state of the Google Earth
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes (Notify)
OpenStreetMap Layer The enabled/disabled state of the OpenStreetMap Layer and ability to use Map Type Control to switch to that layer
NZTopomaps Layer The enabled/disabled state of the NZTopomaps Layer and ability to use Map Type Control to switch to that layer
Allow Custom Map Types The enabled/disabled using custom map type and ability to use Map Type Control to switch to that layers
Custom Map Types List List of custom map types ID for using on map, separator ;

Example: 1;2;5
If you set Map Type to First Custom Map Type, then first ID will be default map type

KML Layer URL of the KML Layer, that would be displayed on the map
Language Language for map objects names

Example: ru-RU

Category The category that this map is assigned to

Using Google Earth

We turn to component options.

Enter the key Google Earth API.

For you map select using Google Earth

  • "Yes" - the map is displayed, but if you have not installed the plugin Google Earth Plugin, then that functionality is not available
  • "Yes (Notify)" - the map is displayed, but if you have not installed the plugin Google Earth Plugin, then that functionality is not available and displays a message that there is no plugin

Using KML Layer

If you have KML-file, you can put into accessible folder on site and fill URL in map field KML Layer.

If you want to use more than one file, you can use "featute", that path field of Paths is not required

  • go to Paths tab
  • create path
  • fill KML Layer field

And after that new layer will be displayed

Map Decoration

Header HTML-text HTML text on top of the map
Show Header Separator Show Separator after Header HTML text

Show Footer Separator Show Separator before Footer HTML text
Footer HTML-text HTML text on bottom of the map

Styles Styles for map

See Google Maps API Styled Map Wizard
Just press button Show JSON, copy code between [ and ] with them, and paste in this field

Map Controls

Map Type Control The enabled/disabled state of the Map Type Control
Pan Control The enabled/disabled state of the Pan Control
Zoom Control The enabled/disabled state of the Zoom Control
Scale Control The enabled/disabled state of the Scale Control
Overview Map Control The enabled/disabled state of the Overview Map Control
Double Click Zoom Enables/disables zoom and center on double click
Scroll Wheel Zoom The enabled/disabled state of the scrollwheel zooming on the map
Rotate Control The enabled/disabled state of the Rotate Control
Street View Control The enabled/disabled state of the Street View Control
Traffic Layer The enabled/disabled state of the Traffic Layer
Bicycle Layer The enabled/disabled state of the Bicycle Layer

from place witch is found by Find Control

Map Find Control (geocoding)

Find Control (geocoding) The enabled/disabled state of the Find Control (by geocoding)
Find Control width Width of Find Control field
Draw route from search point to place The enabled/disabled state of the drawing route from place witch is found by Find Control

Control Positions

Map Type Control Position on a map
Pan Control Position on a map
Zoom Control Position on a map
Scale Control Position on a map
Street View Control Position on a map
Find Control (geocoding) Position on a map
Geolocation Control Position on a map

Map Properties for Placemarks

Show placemarks in cluster Create cluster for markers
Marker Cluster Zoom Level Zoom Level on which Cluster starts group markers
Group Placemarks in Cluster by Placemark Group Property Create cluster for each marker group (and you can override cluster icon)
Remember, if you use this feature (without managing markers by group list), you have to activate group in cluster (by setting Active in Placemark Group List)

Map Properties for Placemark List

Width Placemark List Width in px
Height Placemark List Height in px
Position Values
  • No - there is no placemark list
  • ... - overlay on map
  • Left and Right - table layout
  • List-Map and Map-List - div layout
  • External - you can put ul-tag with id=GMapsMarkerUL in your place to define your place to show placemark list

For example,

<ul id="GMapsMarkerUL" style="list-style-type: none;"></ul>
Style Values
  • Simple - predefined in CSS-file
  • Advanced - predefined in CSS-file
  • External - you can define it in your template
Background Color Background Color

Example: #EAEAEA

As for gradient in my example, I've got it from internet sites. When you specify background color #E6E6E6, I add into style line

background: #E6E6E6

I've got this example

background: #fefcea; /* For old browsers */
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36); /* Firefox 3.6+ */
    /* Chrome 1-9, Safari 4-5 */
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, 
                color-stop(0%,#fefcea), color-stop(100%,#f1da36));
    /* Chrome 10+, Safari 5.1+ */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36); /* Opera 11.10+ */
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36); /* IE10 */
    background: linear-gradient(top, #fefcea, #f1da36); /* CSS3 */ 
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid #333;

I don't know is it true example, for all cases. But, for example, why not. I've replace start and end colors to mine. And, first background: we don't enter, because I do it.

And after all this is mine code

#E6E6E6; /* For old browsers */
     background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA); /* Firefox 3.6+ */
     /* Chrome 1-9, Safari 4-5 */
     background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom,
                  color-stop(0%,#E6E6E6), color-stop(100%,#AAAAAA));
     /* Chrome 10+, Safari 5.1+ */
     background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA);
     background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA); /* Opera 11.10+ */
     background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA); /* IE10 */
     background: linear-gradient(top, #E6E6E6, #AAAAAA); /* CSS3 */
     padding: 10px;
     border: 1px solid #333;

I note that in IE9 there is no gradient. But it is not task to do it in my component by CSS. In any case you can do it by image and applying for class.

Action by Click Action to do when you Click on link
  • Center - center map placemark
  • Click - execute click function for placemark
Placemark List Content Text from which placemark list contains
  • Title - placemark title
  • Title and Description - placemark title and desciption
  • Icon and Title - placemark icon and title
  • Icon, Title and Description
  • Icon, Title and Description (table) - table layout
  • Title and Image - placemark title and image (thumbnail)
  • Title, Image and Description
  • Image and Title
  • Image, Title and Description
  • Image, Title and Description (table) - table layout
Appearance Appearance of placemark list
  • Open List - placemark list is opened
  • Icon Button - additional icon button control on map
  • Text Button - additional text button control on map
  • Icon Button and Open List - additional icon button control on map and list is opened
  • Text Button and Open List - additional text button control on map and list is opened

Managing Placemarks by Placemark Group List

Placemark Group Control Position and type of list of group, that would be displayed for marker management
  • No - there is not placemark control by group list
  • Left - List of group on the left (table style)
  • Right - List of group on the right (table style)
  • Top - List of group on the top (table style)
  • Bottom - List of group on the bottom (table style)
  • Group-Map - List of group on the top (div style)
  • Map-Group - List of group on the bottom (div style)
Placemark Group Column Width Column width for the left or right position of list group
Show Placemark Group Show text, icon of group in list of group
  • Text
  • Icon
  • Text and Icon
Placemark Group CSS Type of group decoration

There are two predefined style in


and one (external) – for you, which you can set style in you template. ID for tags depend on Placemark Group CSS field. See details in Marker Grouping

Group List Title Group List Title
Top Description Description on top of the list
Show Top-Separator The enabled/disabled state of Separator on top of the list
Show Bottom-Separator The enabled/disabled state of Separator on botom of the list
Bottom Description Description on bottom of the list


This options for routes, which is shown for find your way to place

  • by geocoding find feature (Map Find Control (geocoding) slider)
  • autocomplete field (Places Library slider)

Draggable The enabled/disabled ability route to be draggable
Show Route Panel Enable show route details
Address If you want not use map center coordinates as a destination point of your route (for example, Google not right geocoded your address), you can enter text address into this field, and it would be used for drawing route

Use value from autocomplete field (copy-paste) for entering more clear address for google router

Using Places Library

Enable using Places The enabled/disabled state of using Places Library
Places Types Places types in single quotes, delimited by comma
for example: 'restaurant', 'store'

Google Places API: Supported Place Types

Radius Radius from map center (in meters)
If you don't want to see placemark from Places API, and only use autocomplete field, then set radius = 0

Places API show only up to 20 places!

Show Autocomplete field The enabled/disabled state of using Autocomplete field
Places Types for Autocomplete field Places types for Autocomplete field like a places types field, values in single quotes with comma delimiter

which can be either 'establishment' or 'geocode', representing businesses or addresses, respectively. If types is not specified, both types are returned.

Show direction Show direction (by Directions API) from place, what you've found by autocomplete field (where marker is) and point on your map (which you set in map, center of map)

Using Panoramio Library

For using feature set enable by Enable using Panoramio = Yes

You can add filter control to map, and it's position.

And you can specify preset restriction on data by settin "Panoramio Tag" or|and "Panoramio UserID"

  • tag - a panoramio tag used to filter the photos which are displayed. Only photos which have been tagged with the supplied string will be shown.
  • userId - a panoramio user ID. If provided, only photos by this user will be displayed on the map.
  • If both a tag and user ID are provided, the tag will take precedence.

Advanced Options

MarkerManager The enabled/disabled state of using Marker Manager

Marker Manager displaying markers on definite zoom.

Elevation The enabled/disabled state of using Elevation API

Show elevation at point where you click.

Placemark Filter Restriction displaying placemarks on some rules.
Allow to user enter placemarks Enable registered users to create placemarks on map.
New Placemark State Placemark Status for created user placemark.
New Contact State Contact Status for created user contact (if enabled contact integration).
Show Icon Type Selector for New Placemark The enabled/disabled state of selecting Icon Type when user creates placemark.

Using Marker Manager

You can use Marker Manager with restrictions:

  • you can't use marker clustering - because cluster groups markers, and controls it displaying
  • you can't use managing markers by group list

To use Marker Manager:

  • set marker group for your markers
  • set Min Zoom for Marker Manager and Max Zoom for Marker Manager for each group
  • enable feature for the map


Auto Positioning Auto Positioning when map is loading
Geolocation Control Show Geolocation Control
Geolocation Button Style Geolocation Button Style
  • Icon
  • Text
  • Icon and Text


Use contacts The enabled/disabled state of using contacts

You can enable using contact information and associate your placemark with contact to display contact information in placemark InfoWin.

Use users The enabled/disabled state of using users

You can enable using user information and associate your placemark with user to display user information in placemark InfoWin.

Contact Details You can enter names of attributes to show. Separator is ;

Acceptable values

  • name
  • position
  • address
  • city
  • suburb
  • state
  • province
  • country
  • postcode
  • zipcode
  • phone
  • mobile
  • fax

You can enter it in any order, and by it the contact will be shown.

Note: postcode and zipcode – it is the same field, but different labels will be.

Chech contact fields, and you'll see this pairs: City or Suburb, State or Province, Postal / ZIP Code