Zh GoogleMap ExternalPlacemarkListGroupList

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Set external position for placemark list and group list

As you know, you can display placemark lists on different positions - before map, after map, on map.

If you display before or after map, you have divs, which position you can also control by styles.

Today I want to show how use External value for positions.

For example, you want to change built-in Panel feature position, lets do tabs below the map.

Before my changes my map is like

In my case there are two features enabled - manage placemarks by group list and placemark list.

Placemark list synchronized with active groups.

Moreover, enabled autocomplete feature for placemark list and for group list.

First of all lets change its position to External

Go to map details, open tab Placemark list. Change position.

Then open Group list and do the same (change position).

For I will use map footer. There is a field in map details to write just below the map, go to Footer tab.